On May 5, 2022, a jury found Defendant Marcel Lavell Prince guilty of the first-degree murder of Edward Williams Jr.

On June 30, 2021, the defendant and Mr. Williams, who are cousins by marriage, were hanging out on the 1400 block of 90th Avenue in Oakland around 11 p.m. Mr. Williams’ girlfriend was in the front passenger seat of his car.

The defendant told Mr. Williams to turn up the music, so Mr. Williams walked over to the car and either asked his girlfriend to turn the music up, or did it himself. Approximately 10 seconds later, the defendant shot him in the back of the head. The defendant then turned to face the car and shot Mr. Williams’ girlfriend three times: in the head, hand, and shoulder. Then, the defendant flipped over Mr. Williams’ body and took money out of his pocket. He then ran away. The girlfriend survived the shooting, but had to have surgery on her hand because of damage from the gunshot wound.

The jury also found the defendant guilty of felony second-degree robbery, attempted murder of Mr. Williams’ girlfriend, and shooting into an occupied motor vehicle as well as all special allegations.

The defendant is expected to be sentenced June 7, and faces at least 50 years to life in prison.

DDA Lori Mullins prosecuted the case, with aide from Victim Witness Advocates Tabian Lee and Kendra Tran and Inspector Serge Babka.