Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price Unveils New Human Trafficking Awareness Campaign at Oakland International Airport

Oakland CA, October 11, 2023 – Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price announced her inaugural awareness campaign to combat human trafficking.

“When you think of human trafficking, you may think of crimes in far-off places, but the reality is these crimes are happening in our backyard,” DA Price said. “Alameda County is the third highest hot spot for human trafficking in the U.S. This is modern-day slavery, and it needs to stop.”

Alameda County travelers will now encounter anti-human-trafficking messages displayed at Oakland International Airport. Billboards in both terminals and digital videos in baggage claim serve to create awareness and offer ways for victims to get help. QR codes lead users to a comprehensive list of resources in Alameda County where they can access a myriad of services. 

DA Price was joined by survivors, victim advocates from the DA’s office, deputy District Attorneys, Inspectors, community partners, law enforcement representatives from the FBI and Homeland Security and other elected officials committed to taking on the billion-dollar industry of human trafficking.

“I am very pleased to be standing together with DA Price and her team taking action today launching this awareness campaign,” said Nikki Fortunato Bas, Oakland City Council President and District 2 Council Member. “It’s going to take all of us doing so much more because this has gone on for decades and we all have to take more action.”


## Contact: Public Information Officer Patti Lee, // 628-249-1288 

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